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Showing posts from May, 2017

5 Star hotel vs 5 Billion Star Hotel

Food Wastage Is A Crime : Don't Waste Food

Food Wastage Is A Crime : Don't Waste Food World Hunger. 795 million people – or one in nine people in the world – do not have enough to eat. 98% of the world's undernourished people live in developing countries. THINK ABOUT THEM BEFORE WASTING FOOD

Bar Equipment

Here is the general bar equipment

Glassware Of Bar

Here is a list of glassware which we use in bar

Difference Between Cappuccino-Mocha-Latte-Regular Coffee

Do You Know Difference Between Cappuccino-Mocha-Latte-Regular Coffee Have A Look  Source :

World's Most Strongest Beer

Brewmeister Snake Venom ABV: 67.5% Currently holding the record for the world’s strongest beer, Snake Venom blows the competition out of the water. Think whiskey with a slight hoppy taste. This beer has a warning label that says not to exceed 35mL in one sitting, so don’t get any ideas for a chugging challenge here.